DEU process for welcoming foreign representatives

At Dokuz Eylül University, we approach our international relations with a global perspective and proceed strategically. We position ourselves as a global center for education and research, aiming to expand our academic and social network by promoting intercultural interaction.

In this context, deepening our relations with foreign representations is a high priority for us. Through our networks, our university not only assumes a more visible role internationally but also gains broader recognition for our academic work and projects.

Our efforts in global expansion and networking enhance the effectiveness and quality of our international projects, adopting a mutual understanding and cooperative approach. These relations guide us to establish strategic partnerships that promote cultural and academic exchange.

Requests from foreign representations and our university members are evaluated in line with our strategic goals, leading to potential collaborations that contribute to our global vision.

The management of this process not only bolsters our academic achievements but also strengthens our institutional reputation internationally. Ultimately, our steps to strengthen international relations and promote cultural exchange reflect our overall strategy and lay a solid foundation for our global successes. You can find the relevant flowchart and instructions below.

Source document: Council of Higher Education Secretary General date: 23.06.2022 and number: E-73112577-010.07.01-43982

Instruction for Meeting the Requests of Foreign Missions (TR)

Process Diagram for Meeting the Requests of Foreign Missions (TR)

Last update: 22 August 2024