International Visitors Process

International RepresentativesInternational Researchers

International Visitors Process

At Dokuz Eylül University, we approach international relations from a global perspective and progress strategically in this direction. We position ourselves as a global center of education and research, aiming to expand our academic and social networks by encouraging interaction between different cultures.
Within this framework, deepening our relationships with foreign representations is a high priority for us. Through our networks, our University not only assumes a more visible role internationally but also achieves broader recognition for our academic studies and projects.
Our efforts toward global expansion and networking enhance the effectiveness and quality of our involvement in international projects, fostering an approach based on mutual understanding and collaboration. These relationships guide our University toward establishing strategic partnerships that promote cultural and academic exchange.
Requests from foreign representations and our university members are evaluated in line with our strategic goals, each paving the way for potential collaborations contributing to our University’s global vision.
Managing this process not only strengthens our academic achievements but also reinforces our institutional reputation on an international level. Ultimately, our steps to enhance international relations and promote cultural exchange reflect our University’s general strategy, forming a strong foundation for our global successes. You can find the workflow diagrams and instructions for the relevant process below.

Basis: The letter of the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education General Secretariat dated 23.06.2022 and numbered E-73112577-010.07.01-43982

Instruction on the Process of Meeting the Requests of Foreign Representations

The process for addressing visit requests to our Dokuz Eylül University International Academic Relations Coordination Office is a structured framework that allows for the organization and efficient management of our University’s activities in the field of international academic relations. This process aims to strengthen the University’s global connections and enhance international collaborations. Completing the visit request form and providing the necessary information is essential for effective planning. This process is designed to ensure that visits are carried out purposefully and efficiently.

For your meeting requests with the Dokuz Eylül University International Academic Relations Coordination Office, please carefully fill out the form below.

DEU International Academic Relations Coordination Office Meeting Request Form

After completing the form, please send it from your official institutional email address to

Please note that all expenses related to your visit are your responsibility and that your meeting requests are directed to our Coordination Office and do not include meetings with the University’s senior management.

We look forward to the collaborations we will undertake to achieve our shared goals.


1. Application Process:
**Action:** Individuals wishing to join as observers, guests, etc., as faculty members or Ph.D. students should fill out the Application Form and send it to
**Required Documents:** Application form, travel-health insurance, passport
**Responsible Party:** Faculty Member/Researcher

2. Forwarding Applications:
**Action:** Application forms are forwarded to the relevant Institutes/Faculties.
**Required Documents:** Incoming Researcher Application Form
**Responsible Party:** International Academic Relations Coordination Office

3. Evaluation of Applications:
**Action:** Applications are evaluated, and acceptance letters for approved individuals are sent to the International Academic Relations Coordination Office and the Directorate of Personnel Affairs.
**Required Documents:** Acceptance letter
**Responsible Party:** Relevant Institute/Faculty

4. Communication of Acceptance Letters:
**Action:** The acceptance letter is sent to the applying researcher via
**Required Documents:** Acceptance letter
**Responsible Party:** International Academic Relations Coordination Office

5. Assignment Information:
**Action:** Official notification regarding the assignment of the accepted researcher is sent to the counterpart institution.
**Required Documents:** Assignment letter
**Responsible Party:** Directorate of Personnel Affairs

6. Accommodation and Transportation:
**Action:** Necessary guidance and coordination for the researcher’s accommodation and transportation are provided.
**Required Documents:** Flight details, accommodation document
**Responsible Party:** Relevant Institute/Faculty

7. Work Permit Procedures (if required):
**Action:** Documents requested by the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management and the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) are provided.
**Responsible Parties:** Relevant Institute/Faculty, Directorate of Personnel Affairs

8. DEU Temporary ID Card Procedures:
**Action:** Required documents are prepared for library, housing, and dining services.
**Required Documents:** Application form, official correspondence
**Responsible Party:** Relevant Institute/Faculty

9. Certificate Preparation:
**Action:** Certificates or documents are prepared for the researcher or academician.
**Required Documents:** Certificate
**Responsible Party:** Relevant Institute/Faculty

10. Reporting and Evaluation:
**Action:** Reports covering research, publications, and lecture outputs are prepared and submitted to the relevant units.
**Required Documents:** Activity report
**Responsible Party:** Relevant Institute/Faculty

11. Maintaining Communication:
**Action:** Communication with the researcher or academician is maintained, and an evaluation survey is conducted.
**Required Documents:** Evaluation survey
**Responsible Party:** International Academic Relations Coordination Office