Staff Training Mobility is a program that allows staff of high education institutions that are ECHE certified to train and study in high education institutions or enterprises. The staff may benefit from various educational activities such as on-the-job training and observation processes to improve themselves within the scope of and relevant to their jobs. Attendance at the conferences is not a part of these activities.

An eligible academic personnel or staff can receive education from an abroad that is defined as an educational center, research institute, high education institution, or any other organization that falls under the definition of an institution. In this context, an appropriate institution refers to any attempt involved in diverse economic activities, regardless of its size, legal status, or the sector they operate in. This encompasses privately or publicly owned enterprises, as well as various institutions and organizations, encompassing economic activities within the social economy.

In the context of educational mobility activities, the duration of training has been set at a minimum of 2 (two) days. If the duration of educational mobility is less than two days without a valid reason, an Erasmus grant payment will not be provided. Payment will be made for three training and two travel days.

Grant Payment:According to the grant calculation rules determined by the Central Authority, the grant to be awarded to the high-education institution staff benefiting from educational mobility is carried out by the staff’s own high-education institution. The grant is a contributory payment that is not intended to cover all expenses incurred during the period spent abroad. Separate payments are not made for contents such as;  accommodation, food and beverage expenses, communication costs, and local travel expenses incurred during the mobility.

Time spent outside of the training duration is not included in the grant payment and will not be imbursed.

Staff can benefit from the program without a grant support.

In order to benefit from the daily grant payment from the training mobility except for the travel days, staff activity must be recorded in the work plan according to the activity they are responsible for a full day or nearly a full day or he/she must be certified with a certificate of attendance.

Grant and travel allowance payments for each year are mentioned in the relevant announcements.


  • Please apply to the unit you are affiliated with for the assignment document and please request an appointment for delivering your documents.
  1. Invitation Letter
  • The invitation letter must be signed by the inviting institution.
  • The written dates on the letter should cover the period of activity and especially when the staff member will be on abroad.


  • – The invitation from the host institution must be signed and stamped.
  • – The specific dates of the activity should be clearly stated.
  • – On the days of the educational activity, the subject of the work should be indicated as “Training on …………” For academic staff, participation in presentations, seminars, panels, conferences, or workshops related to their field is allowed.
  • – No grant is provided for activities such as “Visit,” “Library Visit,” “Research in Library,” “Cultural Visit,” “Meeting,” and “Observation.”

3- Copy of a Bank Account in Euro, on Behalf of the Staff

  • Get an interest-free Euro account in Ziraat Bank.
  • In the event of the staff prefering an account from any another bank, will result in paying a remittance fee that is reduced from the grant they will receive.

4- Copy of the Ticket for Travel

  • In order to properly calculate the travel payment that will be paid, ticket or a copy of it or the reservation document must include the cost of the flight.

5-The Assignment for Abroad

  • It must be specified or explained in part of the reason that the mobility is within the scope of Erasmus on the assignment document.
  • The Assignment duration should include the time spent abroad.
  • The mobility should be specified as whether its with travel pay and or with a grant.
  • On the part of ‘How are the costs paid?’ it should be written ‘out of institution/Erasmus’
  • Reimbursement of expenses regarding the ‘’How are the costs to be paid?’’ it should be written as ‘’out of institution/Erasmus’’

6- Erasmus Training Mobility Agreement

This document must be filled in by International Relations office upon your appointment. 

  • The starting and departure date of the training period should be consistent with the length of the after mobility documents.
  • Depending on the allocation transfers made by the National Agency to the university, you can take 70% part of your total grant before you leave. If not, after the allocation transfer made by the National Agency, your 70% grant will be paid after your leave. Remaining 30% grant will be paid after completing the mobility.
  • The documents must be handed to the International Office of the Rectorate before the last 10 work days of your departure date. Please make an appointment for the delivering the documents.


  • Please submit the documents listed below in 1 (one) week after your return from abroad.
  1. Flight Ticket
    Travel expense document examples are followed as (Original copies of the ticket/s used, original boarding cards, original payment documents such as bills) 
  2. Confirmation of Teaching Mobility
    The document must have a signature and a seal. 
  3. EU Survey
    After the mobility program abroad, the participant must fill the online EU survey and submit it within the 30 calendar days upon their return. The participants who do not complete and submit the survey may need to pay back the financial aid given to them partially or fully.
    %30 of the grant will be paid to the account specified before, within the 45 days of completion of the EU Survey.